VIDA SEXUAL - DISFUNÇÃO ERÉTIL - IBRATH Instituto Brasileiro de Terapias Holísticas

Sex Life

Sexual life - It is essential to recognize the importance of communication within a romantic relationship, in particular, for a healthy sexual life. Authentic and open communication is a pillar for a balanced romantic relationship.

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It is essential to recognize the importance of communication within a romantic relationship, in particular, for a healthy sex life. Authentic and open communication is a pillar for a balanced romantic relationship.

This aspect is often underestimated and ignored due to the pressures and distractions of modern life, which often cause partners to become distant. Sexologist and therapist Esther Perel (2007) argues that sexual desire thrives in the dialectic between closeness and distance in a relationship.

In a world dominated by digital distractions, meaningful conversations become rare.

Technology, while useful in many ways, has the power to distract and dilute conversations that require vulnerability and mindfulness. This lack of conscious presence can erode the quality of a couple's sexual life, as sex is not only a physical activity, but also an emotional and psychological one.

Therapeutic practices, such as couples therapy, can provide a safe space for couples to explore their concerns, desires, and insecurities more openly. This contributes to individual and couple well-being and increases the emotional sustainability of the relationship.

This joint exploration can also positively influence the spiritual aspect of the relationship. By understanding more deeply the desires and limitations of the other, a connection that goes beyond the physical and material becomes possible, reaching a spiritual level of connection.

Ultimately, a lack of communication not only harms sexual satisfaction, but also the entire structure of the relationship. Sexual dissatisfaction is often a symptom of deeper problems that can be resolved through improved communication.

Understanding emotional dynamics

Psychoanalysis can offer valuable insights for couples struggling with communication and intimacy issues. According to Freud (1905), many of our sexual desires and fears are formed during the early stages of psychosexual development.

The emotional dynamics that arise from these stages can significantly affect the way we relate to each other in our adult lives.

Psychoanalytic theories can provide a framework for exploring sexual taboos and repressions, offering clear insight into issues that may be inhibiting effective communication. In a therapeutic setting, these explorations can be both eye-opening and cathartic.

Additionally, psychoanalysis can help uncover the unconscious power dynamics that operate within a relationship. These dynamics often affect communication and intimacy and can be recognized and addressed during therapy.

For individual and couple well-being, understanding these emotional complexities can be extremely enriching. Through mutual understanding, partners can create a healthier environment where they both feel heard and understood.

In this way, psychoanalytic therapy not only offers tools to solve immediate problems, but also promotes personal growth and development.

By facing their inner demons, individuals are actually investing in their spirituality and emotional well-being, which can result in a healthier community.

The effects of ineffective communication

Lack of effective communication in a relationship is not an isolated problem; it has broad ramifications that go beyond the sexual sphere.

According to Dr. John Gottman (1999), a clinical psychologist known for his work on marital relationships, poor communication is one of the main precursors to divorce.

Furthermore, an unsatisfactory sex life due to lack of communication can lead to problems such as low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.

These problems, in turn, can affect work productivity, emotional health, and even the long-term sustainability of the relationship.

From a community perspective, unstable relationships and broken families have a significant social impact. They contribute to increased levels of stress and mental illness, which puts a strain on health and social care systems.

Spiritual well-being also suffers when communication is poor. Intimacy and spiritual connection between partners are compromised, which can result in a feeling of emptiness and disconnection not only with the partner, but also with the community and the universe as a whole.

Ultimately, ineffective communication is more than just a couple's problem; it is a social and community issue that requires a multifaceted approach to resolution.

Psychoanalysis as a tool

As already mentioned, psychoanalysis can be an effective tool for understanding the emotional complexities that interfere with effective communication.

But how exactly does this work? Freud (1920) pioneered the idea that unconscious conflicts shape our behavior and thinking. By bringing these conflicts into the field of consciousness, it is possible to work to resolve them.

Dialogue in a therapeutic environment facilitates the process of unraveling the emotional blocks that prevent effective communication. With the help of a trained professional, couples can explore their concerns and fears in a structured, focused way.

Psychoanalytic therapy also offers practical strategies for improving communication. Techniques such as active listening and mindful speaking are learned skills that can be applied outside of the therapeutic environment.

These techniques not only improve the quality of communication between partners but can also be used in other social and professional contexts, thus benefiting the community in general.

Psychoanalysis, with its deep and individualized approach, can be a journey of both self-knowledge and mutual growth for the couple.

This journey has the potential to improve not only the couple's sex life, but also other aspects of the relationship, including the emotional and spiritual partnership.

Increased self-awareness and mutual understanding can have a ripple effect on overall well-being, spirituality, and relationship sustainability.

By resolving emotional conflicts, individuals and couples not only enhance their own quality of life, but also contribute to a more harmonious and cooperative environment in the broader community.

The application of these tools and techniques, learned through psychoanalytic therapy, not only resolves immediate issues, but also offers a set of skills that can be applied throughout life. This is an investment in both individual well-being and community well-being.

In short, psychoanalysis not only offers a space to explore and resolve emotional conflicts but also gives couples the tools necessary for more effective communication.

This improvement in communication can have a range of positive benefits, from a more satisfying sex life to a more sustainable and balanced relationship.

Communication, therapy and community well-being

Open and honest dialogue is one of the pillars of any healthy relationship and, when applied to the context of a romantic relationship, it has the power to transform a couple's sex life.

However, in the hustle and bustle of modern life, this communication is often neglected or interrupted, leading to a host of problems ranging from sexual dissatisfaction to relationship disintegration.

Psychoanalysis, with its tools of introspection and analysis, offers a way to understand the emotional blocks that can impede effective communication and intimacy. In doing so, it not only improves the couple's well-being, but also has the potential to positively impact the wider community.


The benefits of these therapeutic approaches also extend to spirituality and relationship sustainability, contributing to the formation of a more balanced and harmonious society.

The effectiveness of these therapies in improving the quality of couples' sexual and emotional lives is a testament to the power of open communication, and serves as a reminder of the need to constantly reframe and add value to learning and service provision in therapeutic practices focused on the general well-being.

João Barros

Floripa, 2023


1- The art of loving - Erich Fromm

This book is a classic of psychoanalysis and philosophy, where Fromm explores love in all its forms: romantic, fraternal, self-love and even love for God. The author argues that love is a skill that needs to be learned and developed, rather than just an emotion. The book also delves into issues of effective communication and intimacy, which makes it relevant for couples looking to deepen their emotional and sexual relationship.

2- The seven principles for a successful marriage - John Gottman

This book, based on years of research and observation, offers a scientific view of how to make a marriage successful. Gottman talks about the importance of effective communication, conflict resolution, and other factors that are vital to the long-term sustainability of a relationship. The work is highly applicable to couples who face communication problems and are looking for tried-and-true methods to improve their relationship.

3- The body speaks: the silent language of non-verbal communication - Pierre Weil and Roland Tompakow

This book explores non-verbal communication, which is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in any form of relationship. It can be particularly helpful for couples who feel their verbal communication is effective but still face barriers in their intimacy and sex life. The work does an excellent job of explaining how our gestures, postures and facial expressions can communicate our deepest feelings.

4- Non-violent communication: techniques to improve personal and professional relationships - Marshall Rosenberg

This book introduces the technique of Non-Violent Communication (NCV), which aims to promote empathy and mutual understanding in relationships. Although not specifically focused on romantic relationships or sexual life, the techniques presented here can be applied in this context to resolve conflicts and improve communication between partners. NVC can be seen as a form of therapy in itself, with the potential to improve individual and community well-being.

5- Conjugated happiness: a psychoanalytic study on marriage - Nise da Silveira

In this book, the author, a Brazilian psychiatrist and psychotherapist, addresses marriage and long-term relationships from the point of view of psychoanalysis. She explores the emotional complexities that many couples face, focusing on how individuality can be maintained while in a relationship. Silveira also explores the power dynamics within marriage, something that can often interfere with effective communication and intimacy.

How can psychoanalysis help improve communication in a romantic relationship?

Psychoanalysis and Improving Communication : Psychoanalysis can serve as a powerful tool for identifying and dismantling the emotional barriers that impede effective communication. By exploring the subconscious aspects that influence behavior and communication, couples can develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their partners, leading to more open communication and, by extension, a more satisfying relationship.

How does effective communication influence the quality of a couple's sex life?

Efficient Communication and Sex Life : The quality of communication is crucial for a satisfactory sex life. The ability to express desires, set limits, and discuss preferences clearly and openly can significantly improve sexual intimacy. Many sexual issues are actually issues of failed or inadequate communication.

What are the main barriers to effective communication and intimacy in modern relationships?

Barriers to Communication and Intimacy : Modern life, with its constant distractions and fast pace, often makes it difficult to find time and space for meaningful communication. Additionally, emotional issues such as fear of vulnerability, stress, and lack of self-knowledge can act as significant barriers to effective communication and intimacy.

How can Non-Violent Communication techniques be applied to improve individual and community well-being?

Non-Violent Communication Techniques : Non-Violent Communication (NCV) can be an extremely effective tool for resolving conflicts and establishing effective communication. By focusing on empathy and active listening, NVC allows for a better understanding of each partner's needs and feelings, which can be beneficial not only for the couple but also for the community in general, promoting a more harmonious environment.

Is there a link between the quality of communication in a relationship and the overall well-being of the community?

Communication and Community Well-Being : The quality of communication in personal relationships has a ripple effect on community well-being. Healthy relationships contribute to happier, more productive individuals, who in turn are more likely to engage in positive social behaviors. Therefore, improving communication within relationships can have a positive impact not only on the individuals involved, but also on the community as a whole.
